Safety and compliance across your facilities is critical for keeping people safe and your assets ticking away like normal. Simply, there’s no excuse for gaps in your electrical compliance and safety framework — this should be your electrical contractor’s number one priority.
But there are some safety and compliance issues that tend to fly under the radar over time. This is something you want to avoid. So here are 3 of the most commonly overlooked electrical safety and compliance issues in commercial facilities.
1. RCD and RCBO compliance
RCD (Residual-Current Device) and RCBO (Residual Current Breaker with Over-Current) are the safety systems that switch off electricity in the case of a fault. Essentially, these are your safety switches.
Not only should your site’s RCDs and RCBOs be tested correctly and on schedule, but in the case of project and capital works, any portable equipment should also be protected with an appropriate safety switch.
All safety and compliance issues should be treated with the most strict measures, especially RCD and RCBO testing. This is non-negotiable.
Also, regularly scheduled, documented and maintained servicing of your RCDs and RCBOs can lead to lower property insurance premiums, dropping inherent building maintenance costs.
If you’re concerned about your site’s RCD/ RCBO safety and compliance, we insist that you contact a trusted electrical contractor.
2. Dangerous VIR cabling
Vulcanised Indian Rubber (VIR) cabling was once a revolutionary wiring solution until the 1950s. Today, VIR cabling is no longer compliant — over time, the insulation dries up, becomes brittle and leaves wires exposed.
On top of that, VIR cabling lacks an earth wire, which is critical in protecting against electric shocks. If any of your facilities were built pre-1950 and haven’t been assessed since, it’s important to get your electrical contractor to check over things.
If they find VIR cabling, you’ll want to arrange a plan forward to have them replaced with modern electrical cabling. Because you don’t necessarily see the wiring throughout your facilities, this might fly under your radar.
But the risks of VIR cabling are real — we recommend getting your sites checked out ASAP.
3. Exhaust fan ventilation
Another important part of facilities maintenance that you don’t necessarily see often is ventilation. For facilities with sealed roofs, exhaust fans must be ducted directly outside the building. For your existing buildings, this might require some investigating.
Previously, ventilation into a roof cavity was deemed compliant whether the roof itself was sealed or not. But modern compliance is designed to protect roofing from the excess moisture damage that ventilation into a roof cavity can cause (things like metal corrosion, and timber rot and swelling).
If you’re unsure about the ventilation across your facilities, it’s a good idea to get it checked out. The damage that can occur with non-compliant ventilation can be severe over time. But what makes it overlooked is the fact that it’s slow-moving.
This can actually work in your favour — you might be able to catch any non-compliant ventilation issues in time to avoid critical damage to your sites.
Electrical safety and compliance in commercial facilities
Safety and compliance are absolutely non-negotiable across every inch of your facilities — your electrical contractor shouldn’t just be focussed on what they can see or on new installations.
On top of ensuring safety, retrospective upgrades to VIR cabling and exhaust ventilation, as well as keeping RCD/ RCBO compliance up-to-scratch, means you get the best out of your assets and facilities for the longest time possible.
We are happy to help you sort through any of your safety and compliance concerns. Get in touch here.